FiksuGST District Heating Substation
FiksuGST is a new generation substation that meets the future requirements. Equipped with a comprehensive remote control system, FiksuGST improves the property’s energy efficiency by up to 15% and enables lower life-cycle costs.
Product description
Fiksu Control System controls the operation of the substation based on the information it receives from the wireless room sensors. The control system makes it easy to optimize and monitor energy consumption. Fiksu also provides comprehensive consumption and savings reports.
Everyday life becomes easier when the entire heating system of the property is remotely controlled. Fiksu’s user interface is convenient for both PCs and mobile devices.
Better efficiency with Mid-Cooling Connection
Mid-Cooling Connection (MCC) is a patented solution developed by HögforsGST that enhances district heating efficiency and, as a result, boosts the energy efficiency of the whole system. FiksuGST substations can be equipped with MCC.
MCC improves district heating’s Delta T by reducing the return temperature. It is a three-step connection that uses district heating energy in three phases.