HögforsGST’s selection of district heating substations covers the needs of all kinds of buildings: from the smallest detached houses all the way to the largest industrial and commercial properties
FiksuGST District Heating Substation
Equipped with a comprehensive remote control system, FiksuGST improves the property’s energy efficiency by up to 15% and enables lower life-cycle costs.Fiksu Control System controls the operation of the substation based on the information it receives from the wireless room sensors. The control system makes it easy to optimize and monitor energy consumption. Fiksu also provides comprehensive consumption and savings…
GST District Heating Substation
For space heating, air conditioning systems and domestic hot water
Unis 25-2R Wall Mounted Substation
Unis 25-2R is designed especially for radiator-heated single-family houses without hot water circuits.
Unis 100-1RF Wall Mounted Substation
The Unis 100-1RF substation is ideally suited as an additional circuit alongside an existing substation, as well as for independent heating, for example, in areas where there is no need for domestic hot water.
Unis 100-2RF Wall Mounted Substation
The Unis 100-2RF is a perfect fit for connecting radiator and underfloor heated houses to district heating. Unis 100-2RF includes two control circuits: one for domestic hot water and another for hot water required by the heating network.
Unis 100-3RF Wall Mounted Substation
The Unis 100-3RF substation is suitable for connecting small houses with radiator or underfloor heating to district heating. The Unis 100-3RF contains three control circuits: one for the production of domestic hot water and two for the heating. Both heating circuits can be used for radiator or floor heating.
Unis 150-2RF Wall Mounted Substation
The Unis 150-2RF substation is suitable for the connection of large radiator or underfloor heating houses and semi-detached houses to district heating. The Unis 150-2RF contains two control circuits: one for domestic hot water and another for the hot water required by the heating network.
Unis 150-3RF Wall Mounted Substation
diator or underfloor heating houses and semi-detached houses to district heating. The Unis 150-3RF contains three control circuits: one for the production of domestic hot water and two for the heating.
Unis 200-2RF Wall Mounted Substation
Unis 200-2RF substation is suitable for the connection of large radiator, air- or floor-heated small houses and small row houses to district heating. Unis 200-2RF includes two control circuits: one for domestic hot water supply and other for the hot water required by the heating network.
Unis 225-250 Wall Mounted Substation
Unis 225-250 substations are suitable for connecting row houses and small apartment buildings to district heating. The control panel includes two control circuits: one for hot water supply and another for the hot water required by the heating network.
Unis 332-350 Wall Mounted Substation
Wall mounted Unis 332-350 substations are suitable for connecting terraced houses and apartment buildings to district heating. The substation includes two control circuits: one for the production of hot water and another for the hot water required by the heating network.
HybridREADY Substation
HybridREADY is a 4th Generation substation with state-of-the-art features. HybridREADY is not only equipped with our remote-controlled Fiksu Control System, but it also comes with the option of connecting additional heating sources to the property’s heating system.