On September 25, 2024, the European Heat Pump Association in Brussels awarded the Heat Pump City of the Year 2024 award to an energy solution implemented in Tyyssija, the housing site of the Turku Student Village Foundation. Turku Energia, VTT, Oilon, and HögforsGST were responsible for the site’s energy solution. The award-winning energy solution focuses on utilizing the return heat from district cooling as a heat pump heat source, with the goal of energy-positive living.

In energy-positive living, a residence or residential area produces more energy than it consumes annually. The award-winning energy solution is part of the RESPONSE project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, which is locally coordinated by the city of Turku. Turku is involved in the RESPONSE project to create and implement energy-positive blocks and neighborhoods.

HögforsGST designed and manufactured a hybrid heating system that works between the heat pumps and the energy grid. Business director, Juha Virkki, was closely involved in the project’s implementation.

“District heating is moving radically towards a future with less combustion and achieving full carbon neutrality. I see that this award reflects the central position of district heating in achieving environmental goals,” commented Virkki. “It is wonderful that such an important heat pump award is given to a district heating company and companies that manufacture district heating equipment.”

The traditional clash between property-specific heat pumps and district heating is becoming a thing of the past.

“District heating and heat pumps are not mutually exclusive solutions. Tyyssija’s system shows that combining the best aspects of both gives you a functional and energy-efficient solution, which benefits both the climate and the budget” says Virkki.

Check out Tyyssija’s heating system in 3D!

Turku is a hot topic in Europe

Turku Energia oli yksi Tyyssijan energiaratkaisun kehittäjistä.

Turku Energia was one of the developers of Tyyssija’s energy solution. “This project has been an interesting opportunity for us to develop, in multi-faceted cooperation with other industry players, an emission-free energy system of the future, in which district heating and district cooling still play a significant and central role. This award is a great recognition of this work and, of course, a sign that the importance and potential of the result of this project is seen and recognized more widely,” says product group manager Lotta Lyytikäinen from Turku Energia.

The award was handed out in Brussels to HögforsGST’s Jussi Sjöström, Turku Energia’s Joona Salmi and Oilon’s Jussi Alpua and Juha Aaltola. The award was presented by jury member Jussi Hirvonen.

The energy solution implemented in Tyyssija enables the recycling of energy flows within the city in a completely new way and is an excellent example of the application of the circular economy. With the energy solution, it is also possible to simultaneously produce district heating and cooling for the use of other properties connected to the district heating and district cooling network in the Turku region.

“It is gratifying that meritorious development work is noticed more widely and that new solutions promoting energy-positive living are recognized! Turku’s goal is to be a carbon-neutral city by 2029 and climate-positive after that, which requires expanding energy-positive solutions to other neighborhoods in the future as well,” says Risto Veivo, climate director of the city of Turku.

The European Heat Pump Association organizes the competition annually. The Heat Pump City of the Year award honors innovative, local, city-supported projects. Jussi Hirvonen, Executive Director of the Finnish Heat Pump Association Sulpu Ry, serves as one of the competition’s jury members.

“This year’s winning solution shows how the city of Turku is a pioneer in promoting energy solutions in line with sustainable development. The award-winning site is also a great example of what can be achieved by utilizing the best aspects of different heating solution technologies, effective cooperation, and harnessing extensive Finnish know-how for joint use,” says Hirvonen.

Tyyssija’s energy solution also produces district heating

The heating system works bidirectionally in Tyyssija. The heat pump equipment uses district cooling’s return heat recovered from other properties as a heat source. In addition to the Tyyssija property, the produced thermal energy can be transferred to other properties via the district heating network. Heat and electricity storage and optimization of energy flows are also tested at the site. Overall, the heat and electricity used in the area are produced using renewable energy sources.

“The Turku Student Village Foundation is committed to promoting sustainable housing in its strategy. It is a pleasure that we have been able to offer our residential properties as a platform for developing new and innovative energy solutions. The award received now crowns a well-functioning cooperation”, says Matias Salo, building technology expert of the Turku Student Village Foundation.

The project included multiple collaborating organizations from the fields of building technology and research. Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT also participated as a research partner in the development of the energy solution, while Oilon was responsible for the heat pump equipment.

“Tyyssija’s energy solution is a concrete example of how the circular economy principles of district cooling and heating can be applied in urban energy management. This study shows that energy-positive living is possible and very useful for a low-emission future. On this smart cities innovation journey, we have solved many technical challenges together with companies. I’m happy that the award came to Turku,” says Jari Shemeikka, the head of the research team from VTT.

The results of the study provide valuable information for city planners, energy policy makers and anyone interested in sustainable energy solutions.

District heating and heat pumps are not mutually exclusive solutions. Tyyssija’s system shows that combining the best aspects of both gives you a functional and energy-efficient solution, which benefits both the climate and the budget.

Juha Virkki

The RESPONSE project:

The goal of the RESPONSE project is to create a European strategic vision for the transition of urban energy use towards the goal of being climate neutral by 2050. As a result of the international project, new models of how similar solutions can be implemented in other parts of the world are sought. Along with Dijon, France, Turku is another of the project’s lighthouse cities where energy-positive residential areas are piloted and developed. The Turku Student Village serves as the pilot area of ​​Turku.

More information:

Juha Virkki, Business Director, HögforsGST
Tel. +358 50 5505 266

Lotta Lyytikäinen, product group manager, Turku Energia
Tel. +358 50 5573 420

Matias Salo, building technology expert, Turku Student Village Foundation
Tel +358 50 466 0861

Risto Veivo, Climate Director, City of Turku
Tel. +358 50 5590 417

Jari Shemeikka, head of the research team, VTT Oy
Tel. +358 40 722 4505

Juha Virkki

Business Director / Engineering Services

+358 505505266