Apartment building pictured from the ground up

HybridHEAT in Torisevankallio: A Success Story

As Oy Torisevankallio uses HögforsGST’s HybridHEAT system, which recovers the heat from the exhaust air and recycles it. Thanks to heat recovery system, district heating consumption has been significantly reduced and annual savings have been around € 5,000 in heating costs.

Torisevankallio is located in Hervanta, Tampere. The traditional prefabricated apartment block was built in the late 1970s. Currently, there are about 80 inhabitants.

– Some of the residents have lived here since the completion of the house. Of course, there has been some natural turnover, but most of the residents have lived here for a very long time, says Mika Martikainen, Chairman of the Board.

Thermal energy of the exhaust air is recovered

A large-scale HVAC renovation of the building was completed in the spring of 2018. The renovation involved a major renovation of the entire building system. District heating is used as a form of heating.

– HögforsGST provided all of heat recovery and heat distribution technology, Martikainen sums up.

– We purchased a HybridHEAT system that utilizes heat pump technology and the heat from the exhaust air. The energy is recovered and recycled through heat pumps for domestic hot water and apartment heating. Thus, we save on district heating, Martikainen says.

Remote control is possible with Fiksu

The HybridHEAT system can be managed remotely through HögforstGST’s Fiksu Control System. A network-based remote management system allows you to monitor the operation of the components without having to go directly to the heat distribution room to check the situation.

– Large amount of sensors enables tracking. Through Fiksu Control System, we can print various consumption reports, for example. According to one consumption report, the annual savings of the housing company through the system are approximately 5,000€, Martikainen says.

– The HybridHEAT system works quite smoothly. It is easy to install and clearly brings financial savings. I can recommend it to other condominiums as well, Martikainen says.

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Kimmo Hieta

Sales Manager / Southwestern Finland
+358 400 738 036