HybridHEAT produces energy with good efficiency
Niiralan Kulma is Kuopio’s largest rental housing company, which currently offers homes to more than 10,000 residents. In connection with a renovation, HögforsGST’s HybridHEAT heating and heat recovery solution was installed at one of Niirala Kulma’s sites, Kumpukatu 8. The system has been able to produce energy continuously with good efficiency.
Prior to the renovation, Kumpukatu 8 was a property with exhaust ventilation. The property was built during the 1980s. Kumpukatu 8 has 16 apartments and a total floor area of 1,099 square meters.
– The property had reached the age where it had to be renovated, says constructor Tuomas Happonen.
– Now the building has HögforsGST’s HybridHEAT system with heat recovery that collects heat from the exhaust air and transfers it to the heating network and domestic hot water network, Happonen continues.
HögforsGST ensured quality
In the past, Niiralan Kulma had had challenges in how different systems fit together. When the systems have not worked optimally together, the cost savings that would have been achieved in an optimal situation have also been lost.
– HögforsGST’s system delivery is comprehensive. They ensure quality and component compatibility for us. It was a big deal and affected why HögforsGST was a good choice for this project, Happonen says.
The hardware works automatically
Throughout its service life, the HybridHEAT has been able to continuously produce energy with good efficiency.
– During these past six months, we have saved energy worth 1,400 euros in this location, Happonen sums up.
In this 16-apartment property, the savings during the year will be about 200 euros per apartment.
– During the warranty period, we have never had to take care of the equipment ourselves, and it has never even dropped off. The equipment has operated throughout its life cycle as it should have been, Happonen concludes.