During a customer visit last week, a HybridHEAT customer first refused to show the district heat report because it looked “too good to be true”. He claimed that there must be some kind of a mistake. 

Finally, he grinned, and showed me an energy company report that stated: January’s district heat consumption had fallen by 60% compared to last year, and the number was 49.5% even after a temperature correction. At the same time, the cooling of the district heating process had improved by more than 10 degrees.

I went through the data on the property and found that the HybridHEAT system installed on the property produced 63 MWH of thermal energy in the property over two months by recovering the waste heat from the exhaust air of the property and using 16MWH of electricity at the same time. The COP, or heat factor, has been 3.95 for this period. Calculated in cash, the condominium had saved over 2100€ in two months. The condominium has 48 apartments and was built in 1963.

The HybridHEAT heating and heat recovery system was installed in the property in late 2016. The system takes care of the heating and ventilation of the property as a whole and reduces the purchase energy consumption by 40% in monetary terms. Carbon dioxide emissions are also cut in half. The standard of building technology is being updated all at once from the sixties to meet the modern standards. The technology of the system is of the highest quality and the electrical energy used and the heat produced are accurately measured and reported to the customer.

For the HybridHEAT, the journey is just beginning and hopefully positive customer feedback will continue to come through. In Finland alone, we have over 30,000 apartment buildings where we can make these kind of savings a reality!

The author is the Managing Director of HögforsGST

Antti Hartman

Managing Director

+358 400 738 325