Major Savings With Heat Recovery

As Oy Vääksynharju is a three-storey property completed in 1969 with 25 apartments, a common exhaust duct and one top fan. The property is chaired by Ari Myllylä, a long-term HVAC professional. As an HVAC inspector, he has been able to track the market entry of apartment heat recovery systems and equipment from various manufacturers.

– I was immediately impressed by the comprehensive approach and implementation of the HybridHEAT system, including the fact that all parts are built as modules at the factory, says Myllylä.

The HybridHEAT was installed in the house in September 2016. The investment has a payback period of 8-10 years.

– Yes, I dare to recommend it to others. The management and implementation of the whole system works well, says Ari Myllylä. He reminds that many other systems are replacing the top fan and adding a geothermal unit to the existing heating system.

With the HybridHEAT, the entire heating system is already being renewed and tested at the factory. Also a monitoring system and the help from a supplier is important. They make initial adjustments and report things like energy savings in the future.

Equipment supplier HögforsGST’s CEO Antti Hartman has closely followed As Oy Vääksynharju’s consumption.

– Calculations show that the annual district heating consumption of a property should fall by about 63 per cent. The use of electricity is increasing due to heat pumps, so the total savings in euros should be about 40 percent, Hartman calculates.

He compared property consumption before and after HybridHEAT installation. District heating consumption decreased by as much as 57 per cent.

– The average temperature for the reference period was 1.5 degrees colder, but even with temperature corrections, the consumption has dropped by about 50 percent. It has to be taken into account that the average temperature was below zero degrees throughout the observation period. During warmer weather, district heat consumption will still be reduced proportionally more, which means that relative savings increase when the average temperature is above zero degrees.

HybridHEAT installation work was completed quickly. Old equipment was removed from the heat distribution room and new ones were brought in. At the same time, electric cables were installed as the property plans to invest in solar panels in the next few years. They are used to produce the electricity used by the heat pumps.

– The installation work did not cause any major discomfort of living. Cold water was obtained on the same day and warm water in the following afternoon, Ari Myllylä says.

He has an important message to other housing companies planning to invest in heat recovery systems.

– Remember that the cheapest device is not always the cheapest to use. For example, the offers do not show the top fan and the electricity consumption of the pumps!