Heat recovery undoubtedly generates savings – Also for older houses
HögforsGST’s HybridHEAT heat recovery system is a carefully tested compact package that is delivered and installed by top professionals. This guarantees the functionality of the system and best possible benefits for the user.
The Salpakangas regional maintenance company operates in Hollola, Finland. Houses that are located on a beautiful, green hill, are taken care of by Lahti Team-Isännöinti’s CEO and property manager Eero Vesanen. The joint project of five houses wanted to find out whether heat recovery in those properties was feasible. After a period of consideration, the group decided to send out multiple requests for proposals. Among the many options, HögforsGST emerged above the others.
The quality of service was good from the very beginning
—The salesperson’s activity and a factory visit at HögforsGST’s Leppävirta plant convinced us at the end of the day. We knew this was the right option for us, and after that all the other options were out of consideration, Eero says.
The strength of the hardware is that it is delivered as a compact package that has been tested at the factory. The equipment is delivered in a container to the yard of the housing association. HVAC professionals install the equipment according to the instructions, thus ensuring the top-notch functionality of the whole system.
Clear reduction in energy consumption
-Fiksu Web (smart control system included in HybridHEAT) shows us that a significant amount of energy has been saved. District heating consumption is smaller than in similar houses in the same area without HybridHEAT, Eero mentions.
Heat recovery is modern and beneficial technology and it is already mandatory to install it in new houses in Finland. When installed in old houses, it will also increase the interest in the housing market. A well-known fact is that heat recovery generates savings for houses. It provides variety in energy sources and savings to older houses as well.
—I recommend HögforsGST’s heat recovery system for houses that are planning a plumbing renovation or a renovation of a district heating substation and exhaust air heat recovery in connection with it, Eero sums up.
Are you planning for a HVAC renovation and the installation of a heat recovery system? Read more on how HybridHEAT can help you save energy!
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