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Control system

The extensive sensor network of Fiksu measures the indoor temperature and humidity and provides constant data. The information provided by the sensors can be used to fine-tune the heating system according to the situation. This enables you both to save in heating costs and to achieve consistent indoor climate.

A part of your heating solution

Fiksu is not a stand-alone control system, but an integral part of our factory-tested extensive heating solutions. In addition to basic features such as remote monitoring, Fiksu also includes a system-specific service record and service calendar, hardware documentation in electronic format and ability to print out consumption reports.

Control your system remotely

Thanks to Fiksu, the entire heating system is equipped with remote control features, enabling you to easily adjust the system on your PC or mobile device, even away from home. Our Support experts also have easy access to remotely adjust and update the system.

Fiksu is an open system that enables you to use the Fiksu Plus feature to integrate other control systems on your property together with Fiksu Control System.

New innovations for better heating

FiksuGST is a fourth-generation district heating substation, which is equipped with the Fiksu Control System. The remotely controlled system enables close monitoring of the whole heating system and its optimization.

FiksuGST’s sister model, HybridREADY, offers an option to upgrade the heating system to a hybrid system later. HybridREADY is also equipped with Fiksu Control System.

Adding smart features to district heating equipment is just one way of improving the efficiency of district heating. New innovations to e.g., heat transfer technology can also boost efficiency and bring down heating costs and emissions.

Control is everything

Our versatile Fiksu Control System offers advanced monitoring, IoT applications and artificial intelligence to provide comprehensive information on the operation of the property’s entire heating system.

The utilization of the collected data benefits the entire district heating system. For example, property-specific data enables the power plant to estimate consumption peaks, thus making production more predictable. A fourth-generation district heating substation is no longer just a heating, but also a data substation.

Hybrid heating offers flexibility

The range of individual properties’ heating solutions is more flexible than ever. Current technology allows us to utilize of multiple heat sources alongside of district heating. These are called hybrid systems.

Hybrid heating can be compared to a hybrid vehicle. Like a car that switches between different energy sources according to need, a heating system can choose between district heating and a heat pump, for example. Our factory tested HybridHEAT system is an excellent option for any property looking for an easy upgrade to their heating system. A HybridHEAT system utilizes Fiksu Control System to optimally heat the property and to maximize energy savings.

HybridHEAT – A system full of benefits

We at HögforsGST are experts in heating systems. With us, the projects proceed smoothly from design to implementation and you’ll receive a reliable heating solution and comprehensive technical support.

HybridHEAT is the latest innovation in our product line-up. Its strengths are the generated savings, long life span and smooth delivery. The system is also environmentally friendly as it significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions and allows the building to utilize renewable energy in heating.

Every HybridHEAT system comes with a possibility to later connect additional heating sources to the system. All of this reduces the energy consumption during the heating season.

Related products

FiksuGST Substation

FiksuGST is a state-of-the-art substation with a wise Fiksu Control System. FiksuGST is designed to elevate your energy efficiency and make your property use energy wisely. Remote control, peak power limitation, and flow optimization are just a few of the energy-saving features that FiksuGST boasts.

HybridREADY Substation

Engineered for those with foresight, our HybridREADY substations are in the heart of HybridHEAT systems. It is a state-of-the-art substation designed to accommodate district heating’s seamless integration with future renewable energy sources such as ground source heating or exhaust air heat recovery.

Getting started

To explore HögforsGST’s district heating solutions, feel free to browse through the material provided on our website and contact our sales team! Our dedicated team will collaborate with you to evaluate your building’s heating needs and recommend the ideal solution for your requirements.